Those who don’t know me will think I’m the shy type. You know, the one who sits quietly at the back of the room. But those who do know me will say I’m a little person with far too many animals (they even made a crazy cat lady action figure of me), a very loud laugh and an unhealthy obsession with the supernatural that comes across rather quite scary at times. That said, I’m not that scary, not really, not when you get to know me.

When I do venture out into the world I observe, always sitting with my back to the wall so I have the best view of everything and everyone. I may be sitting in silence to you, but to me, the voices in my head are overwhelming. I’ve never really thought about it that much until I started writing, taking in my surroundings and the everyday hullabaloo. That is where the magic begins.

I first began to write following a series of recurring dreams and decided to put pen to paper for therapeutic purposes. And it worked. Some nights were like a stuck record, the same scene playing over and over again, then going back to the beginning. It was like being in the editing room of a really awkward movie. Then it happened. I started to write. I translated what I was seeing into the written word and it was… addictive. A very healthy addiction which most writers, I’m sure will agree, can’t wait for their next fix.

My 9-5 job is far from the world I immerse myself in. My degree is in Environmental Planning, and over the years I’ve worked on creating quality open greenspaces. Then I spent seven years working with town centre businesses promoting the towns and staging events including the award winning Ramsbottom Chocolate Festival, Whitefield Halloween Festival, and a host of Christmas festivities. I have to say the top of my list (apart from collecting the Chocolate Festival award) was being interviewed by Hacker The Dog from CBBC – now that was surreal. I then moved onto Resident/Neighbourhood Engagement, working with the local community and issuing funds for local projects. It is really rewarding to see groups come together and realise their potential. I really love collaborating with the local community, though I have to confess to loving writing a little more.

Since an early age I’ve found a love for all things supernatural. My earliest memories are reading my mothers books on ghosts, witchcraft, British folklore, ancient Rome and Greek mythology. I became so intrigued with ancient lives that I read and watched everything and anything available to me, choosing Latin and Roman Civilisation as an option in high school just so I could visit Hadrians Wall every year and wander around the ruins. Nature and wildlife is a huge part of my life, so it is of no surprise that this features heavily in my writing. I will spend hours ‘earthing’ and being with my cats and wolf out on the moors.

I’m not the only one who has appeared in the media – my little British Blue lady Lola starred opposite Emilie Autumn, as featured in Kerrang Magazine May 2011.

What else is there to know about me? I have varied taste in music ranging from classical to thrash metal and a healthy dollop of traditional folk. I find music helps a great deal when writing a scene. I have one particular scene in my head that is entirely written to music without any dialogue at all. My one regret was selling my awesome Monster Truck, okay, it’s a Jeep Wrangler that has humungous wheels, but she was my little monster. Now I follow her as she travels the world with her new owner (I’m not jealous, honest!).

2023 – A new era – I’m also embarking on a very exciting journey with my partner. More news to follow.

I will be posting some of my work on here and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing and spending time with my characters.

Lola and Emilie Autumn

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